Blizzard reveals BlizzCon digital programme

Blizzard has revealed the full schedule for next week's BlizzConline event.

The digital only version of the studio's long-running convention - described as an "all-digital community celebration and exhibition of Blizzard games and universes" - kicks off on February 19 and runs until the following day.

It's free to watch on YouTube and Twitch, with six channels - each with a different theme - focused on 'World of Warcraft', 'Hearthstone', 'Diablo', 'Overwatch', "strategy" and a general Blizzard one.

The opening ceremony - which gets underway at 10pm GMT/2pm PST on the night - promises "the latest from Blizzard Entertainment", with gamers hoping for some exciting reveals.

Fans will also be looking forward to more details about the likes of 'Overwatch 2' and 'Diablo 4', with the individual channels all streaming their own programmes of events.

Meanwhile, the main general channel will featured select segments from the other five offerings.

On the Saturday (20.02.21), there will be individual programmes featuring developer panels, Q&A talks, artist demos, as well as more surprising elements like cooking workshops.

There will be a brief merger in partway through for an hour-long Community Showcase, which will focus on the "best art, talent, storytelling, and cosplay from the Blizzard community".

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