Plane With ‘Convict Trump And Lock Him Up’ Flies Over Mar-A-Lago After Impeachment Vote

Plane Flying 'Trump Worst President Ever' Banner Flies Over Mar-A-Lago (Photo: Twitter)

Despite his refusal to be physically present at the trial, former President Donald Trump‘s impeachment has followed him back to his new residence at Mar-A-Lago in the form of boldfaced banners flown over his Florida home.

“All-caps banner flying over Trump’s resort in Palm Beach as his defense team begins its presentation today: ‘CONVICT TRUMP AND LOCK HIM UP,’ reads a tweet of one of said banners.”

The banner’s flight was timed to appear over Mar-A-Lago just as Trump’s defense team started to present their argument.

“I am so happy that this banner is flying over Mar-A-Lago today,” another tweet about the banners read, alongside a picture of a banner reading, “Trump weak afraid to testify.”

“I especially like the phonetic version of the acronym,” the tweet continued.

Other banners sighted flying over Mar-A-Lago before the impeachment trial included various digs such as “pathetic loser” and “the worst president ever.”


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