Casey Batchelor is pregnant with a third daughter

Casey Batchelor is expecting another baby girl.

The 36-year-old former model was so convinced she and fiancé Dane Goodson – with whom she already has daughter Florence, two, and Sadie, 12 months – were expecting a boy, she’d ordered blue balloons to surprise the businessman after a secret gender scan, so she was left in “shock” when she found out she was having another daughter.

Speaking to Closer magazine, she said: “I was adamant we were having a boy because this pregnancy has been so different than with the girls.

“I’ve had no sickness, no tiredness – I often forget I’m pregnant.

“We had only discussed boys’ names and I’d planned a nursery, I was that sure.

“My clairvoyant, who’s got everything right in my life even told me I was having a boy.

"So when the sonographer said it was a girl, I was in so much shock I came home and blurted it out to Dane. I had to cancel the balloons!

“Even when I went for my standard NHS scan weeks later, I expected them to say it was a boy.”

Now the shock has worn off, the couple are delighted to be adding a third girl to their family.

Casey said “I’m over the moon now the shock has gone and I can’t wait to have my own little girl gang.

“They’ll all be close in age, it’s going to be amazing – we’re thrilled.

“We’ve already picked out a name. It’s going to be old-fashioned to match Florence and Sadie.”

Though their baby isn’t due until Jude, Casey and Dane are already discussing having a fourth child.

She said: “I like to have everything planned, even though it seems crazy to be talking about a fourth when we haven’t even had our third.

“Dane would like to try for another, as it would be nice for him to have a boy.

“Number four would definitely be the last though and it would be quite soon after this baby comes.

“We’re already in baby mode now and it would be nice to have my life back a little bit in my 40s.”

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