Tweet of the Week 121: System Failure Hits 5,000 Mizuho Bank ATMs

In Japan, many businesses still only accept cash. So when bank giant Mizuho had an epic fail, a lot of people were rightly panicking. A nationwide system failure hit more than 5,000 ATMs and affected their online banking platform too.

During the last Sunday of February, customers were unable to withdraw money or make online banking transactions. Worse, the poor folks that were using ATMs at the time of the failure saw their cards and passbooks swallowed by the now turned-evil-machines.

The glitch, reportedly caused by a data update of some sort, was solved by Sunday night. But many ATMs remained affected on Monday.

No money mo’ problems





“It seems that Mizuho ATMs are experiencing a nationwide error, with cards swallowed and not coming out. I waited over 30 minutes before being connected and getting my card back. It was hard because I stayed by the ATM and it dialed 110 and the police came. It seems there’s no hope to recover (the card). People using Mizuho today should be careful!”

Just keep waiting


“Here’s the screen after the ATM swallowed and kept my card. Please do something. The built-in phone does not connect.”





“More than two and a half hours have passed since my card got swallowed by Mizuho bank! I’m in the awkward situation of holding the fort since my company’s money is inside. I’m still not connected with Mizuho. I’m starting to have fun explaining the situation and telling people that come in that, ‘you can’t use the ATM.'”


“Mizuho bank’s ATMs became like an accident scene…”



“Here’s the outside of the Mizuho Bank headquarters at Otemachi Tower. I wonder if people on the floors with the lights on are locked in.”

Banking in Japan

If you’re going to live in Japan, you should probably get up to speed with our banking and finance 101 guides. Using an ATM isn’t too complicated, and we got you covered with our Kanji Cheat Sheet, but bank transfers in Japan are another matter.

Here’s also a good vocabulary list to get you started with the language of banking in Japan:

銀行	ginkou	Bank
印鑑	inkan	Stamp used for official documents
通帳	tsuuchyou	Bank book (or passbook)
キャッシュカード	kyasshyu kaado	Cashcard
口座番号	kouza bangou	Account number
手数料	teisuryou	Handling fee
預け入れ	azukeire	Deposit
引き出し	hikidashi	Withdrawal
金をおろす	kane o orosu	Withdraw money
出金する	shyukkin suru	Make a payment


全国的に	zenkokuteki ni	Nation-wide
発生する	hassei suru	Appear
吸われる	suwareru	Be swallowed
コールセンター	koorusentaa	Call center
繋がる	tsunagaru	Connect
篭る	komoru	Be stuck in, confined in
目処(が)立つ	medo ga tatsu	There’s hope, there’s a good prospect for…
備え付けの電話	sonaetsuke no denwa	Built-in phone
籠城する	roujyou suru	To hold the castle/the fort, be besieged
羽目に	hame ni	Be in a plight, be in an awkward situation
未だ	imada	Still
私服	shifuku	Plainclothes
係員	kakariin	A person in charge, clerk
事故現場	jikogenba	Accident scene
タコ部屋	takobeya	Takobeya refers to an oppressive labor system in place in Hokkaido during the Meiji Era, which had workers forced to sleep in concentration camps. Their huts were called “takobeya.”

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