Mary Fitzgerald is 'too busy' to freeze eggs or even think about pregnancy

Mary Fitzgerald has insisted she's been “too busy” to freeze her eggs or even think about getting pregnant.

The ‘Selling Sunset’ star has been quizzed on when she and husband Romain Bonnet, 27, will start a family, but the 40-year-old beauty admitted they need to “slow down” their busy lifestyles before that’s an option.

She told Closer magazine: “Romain and I are just so busy. People keep asking about a baby and we’re like, ‘Oh my God, we need to be able to see each other before we can even think about that!’

“We’ve been so swamped – we can’t even find the time to freeze our eggs, so we’ve got to slow down.”

However, Mary – who has son Austin, 23, from a previous relationship – is aware she needs to “prioritise” taking measures to preserve her fertility.

She said: “I need to freeze my eggs for sure.

“We are going to do it, it’s very important – with my age we’ve got to do it. We have to prioritise it.”

When 'Selling Sunset' first began, Mary and co-star Christine Quinn – who is expecting her first child with husband Christian Richard – were close friends and used to live together, but by series two, their relationship had deteriorated and they barely spoke.

And now, though Mary admitted they still don’t “hang out” much, she thinks their feud is over and there won’t be any problems when they start filming the fourth season of the show.

She explained: “We don’t really talk or hang out – I don’t think there are any hard feelings but I don’t know for sure.

“We had a long talk a couple of months after we were done with filming and we got to a better place.

“We just haven’t really talked since then.

“I think she and I have both been busy and doing our own thing, so I don’t really think about it too much.

“I’m sure we’ll be fine when we get back together and everyone’s back in the office filming again.”

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