Covid-time tips on how to stay mentally and physically fit

WASHINGTON – What are you doing to stay mentally and physically fit during Covid time? For physical fitness, if your answer is I’m not sure, not enough, I want to do more, or I need to do something, then it’s time to get creative.

Also Read: Rethink, Regroup and Rebuild, both for now and for the future

Staying physically fit in Covid time

In pre-Covid times, like many of you, I was working out regularly. That included going to exercise classes, playing tennis when I could, and using different machines at the gym. Nowadays, I work out at home. Turning a room or area in your house or apartment into an at-home gym can be the answer that helps solve this Covid-time dilemma.

For example, I bought foam square flooring and laid it over the tile in my living room. That way, I had cushioning for better body support. I also created a workout space for myself. It consisted of a yoga mat, press bench, various weights, kettle bells, resistance bands, and a table to put my phone or laptop on so I could take online classes.

Alternatively, I also really enjoy getting outside and walking my dog.

In short, during Covid time, as always, being physically fit is key.

But none of us should ignore maintaining or improving our mental fitness as well.

Staying mentally fit in Covid time

To address my mental fitness, I focus first on practical matters. These include work, the regular practice of meditation and gratitude. But I also do jigsaw and crossword puzzles, read, write, and journal. Variety is always helpful, as is a bit of fun.

Meanwhile, when not focusing on being mentally and physically fit, I simply relax, listen to soothing music and audiobooks, take walks, get fresh air, bake, and watch Netflix.

Doing all of these things helps me stay clear and positive. After all, so many things remain out of our control (especially these days), that being able to focus on the things we can control, like eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising, and virtually connecting with loved ones, can help keep us all mentally and physically strong.

What are you doing to boost your mood and fitness during Covid time? And while you’re assessing your answer, reflect on the following helpful observation.

Your body hears everything your mind says; stay positive. ~ Unknown

*— Headline image: Image by Andrej Podobedov from Pixabay. CC 0.0 license. In the public domain.*

*NOTE: I will be running a webinar this March based on my book Talk Yourself into Success that you will find empowering. The topic: ‘Thriving During Challenging Times with Resilience and Positive Self Talk.”* It’s all about “Taking Command of Your Life!“ If you are interested, we have started an attendee list. Just send me your name and email to be added to the list. More contact info below.

*o learn more about this and other topics, here is a link to my book:*

*ontact: Susan Commander Samakow, PCC, CPCC*

Professional Certified Coach, Facilitator, Trainer & Author

Business, Life, Leadership & Career Coaching
Positive Self-Talk/Confidence Strategies, Resilience Techniques & Transition Work
Former ICF Metro DC President
Enhanced C-IQ Coach
EFT Practitioner


Ask Susan about her coaching packages and the Stress Reducing techniques she teaches: EFT (Tapping) and Breathing Exercises.

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