Nadine Coyle and Jason Bell have traditional household roles

Nadine Coyle and Jason Bell have traditional roles in their home.

The former Girls Aloud singer and the retired NFL player split in 2019 after 11 years together, and when the coronavirus pandemic hit last year they chose to move back in with one another so they wouldn’t need to quarantine whenever they wanted to spend time with their seven-year-old daughter Anaíya.

And since they have been cohabitating, they have stuck to their fixed chores where Nadine cooks and Jason does the shopping.

In an interview with The Sunday Mirror newspaper's Notebook magazine, she said: "I do all the cooking. Though Jason did make some vegetables and salmon for Anaiya's lunch. Jason will make a peanut butter sandwich and steam things, but that's it.

Nadine added: "I definitely do the cooking. He goes and does all the shopping. I can't even tell you the last I did that! He doesn't do any garden work, he's more of a computer guy."

What's more, the nationwide lockdown has bought the 'Insatiable' hitmaker closer to her daughter as she loves to have a "happy reunion" when she returns from doing tasks.

She explained: "I just love the relationship we have We really love each other. She's just like my little shadow that comes everywhere with me. Even if she's just been doing school tasks by herself and I haven't seen her for an hour, there's such a happy reunion."

The 35-year-old singer has enjoyed homeschooling Anaiya whilst the schools have been closed during the pandemic and has found teaching her little one much easier in the second lockdown.

Asked how homeschooling is going, she replied: "It's been really good. Anaiya is such a pleasure. She seems to enjoy homeschooling. I'm dining it a lot easier this time around."

However, Nadine is worried about how her emotions will get the better of her when Anaiya returns to school.

She said: "I'm not prepared at all! It's scary handing your child over, especially at time like this. So I might cry! It's like the first day of school all over again."

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