Kimberley Walsh has struggled in lockdown

Kimberley Walsh has found the most recent lockdown very “tough”.

The former Girls Aloud singer – who has sons Bobby, six, and Cole, four, and is expecting her third child with husband Justin Scott – thinks the last year has been “testing” and for the first time she’s understood why it has sparked mental health issues for some people.

Speaking to the new issue of Heat! Magazine, she said: “This year has been really testing.

“During the first lockdown, I felt like I was really in control.

“I was exercising every day and cooking and growing stuff – but it was all very positive – but this second phase has been tough.

“It’s the first time I’ve actually though, ‘I can see why people have issues with mental health.’

“I’d never felt like that before – it was scary.”

The 39-year-old pop star finds it hard to relax because she can never switch off.

She said: “I’m terrible at meditation. I can’t even relax during a massage – my brain doesn’t switch off.”

Even at the end of the day, Kimberley can’t sleep in silence.

She added: “I like the noise of a fan. I used to use a real fan but now I use an app on my phone.

“I can’t go to sleep in silence.”

And if she does seek out some time to herself, it’s rare Kimberley doesn’t get interrupted by her kids.

She explained: “It’s lovely being with the kids all the time. But even getting half an hour to have a bath on my own can be hard, because they end up trying to get in with me.

“If I get time to lock the door, I’ll light some candles, listen to some music, and be me for half an hour.”

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