ESL Pro League launches player council

The ESL Pro League has announced the creation of a player council featuring competitors from the CS:GO competition’s 12 partnered teams.

The first-of-its-kind council, titled the EPL Player Council, has already hosted its first meeting and saw representatives from all partnered teams attend. There are currently four meetings scheduled to take place throughout 2021.

Image credit: ESL Pro League

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According to a release, each member of the council will serve a two-year term where they will be able to ‘redefine standards and expectations’ on matters relevant to them. The council is also said to help players learn more about the business side of the industry and offer thoughts on improving conditions for competitors, among other opportunities.

Alex Inglot, ESL Pro League Commissioner, commented on the creation of the council in a release: “I come from a sport where players are baked into the ownership of the tour, and so I am acutely aware of the need to integrate player views and priorities into what you offer fans.”

“Having said that, I was also really intrigued to hear from the coaches in our first meeting: they are a great aggregator of player views, but also bring their own experience and perspective, making the council discussions all the richer. If we treat this important group with respect, like investors, I am sure we can harness their interest, their passion for the game, their unique views and ensure that the Pro League remains the leading CS:GO league in the space, not just for them, but for the fans that love this game”.

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This is not the first instance of a players council being created within the esports industry. In 2016, the World Esports Association (WESA) formed a council featuring representatives from Team Envy, Fnatic, and G2 Esports.

Joonas “doto” Forss, CS:GO player for ENCE and member of the Player Council, also spoke on the news: “Alex made the effort to speak to us before this whole Council was launched, to get our views and feedback on how this initiative could work best. I for one really appreciated that.”

“I am sure not everything is perfect, and that things will evolve in the first year or two, but at least we will be at the heart of that, guiding that evolution. A whole new forum for us, where each team has a seat and voice, to bring our ideas and concerns to management, to the leadership, with already developed mechanisms to bring items to a proper Pro League Members vote: that is encouraging to me. The first meeting already gave us a flavour of what we can expect: it is refreshing to be on the inside and trusted!”

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Esports Insider says: The creation of a dedicated players council for the ESL Pro League is certainly a step in the right direction when it comes to providing transparency and clarity on what is happening behind the scenes. Depending on its success, it could be the start of other esport leagues creating player councils.

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