Ne-Yo: My wife won't let me get a vasectomy

Ne-Yo's wife stopped him from getting a vasectomy.

The 'Miss Independent' hitmaker is expecting his third child with partner Crystal Smith - a sibling for Roman, two, and Shaffer, four - and whilst he was keen to get the snip, his wife was less so and so he hasn't had the procedure.

Speaking to TooFab, he said: "She decided that she doesn’t want any more children, and I’m following her lead on that ... No, no , no - not getting the surgery. Now mind you ... my plan was to get the surgery, but she was like, 'No, no, no, don’t get the surgery because if we ever decide we do want anymore kids then we can’t do it.' I'm like, 'You just said you didn’t want more kids?'

"And she was like, 'I don’t want no more kids right now, but what if I want some...' I'm like, 'Oh.' So this last one is the plan, and then if God decides he wants us to have some more, I guess we’ll have some more."

Meanwhile, Ne-Yo - who also has two other children - previously admitted his marriage has been saved by the coronavirus pandemic.

He said: "The whole quarantine thing was kind of a blessing. It allowed me the time to lock back in with [my family]. Before the quarantine happened, we were definitely talking divorce, and the quarantine forced us to sit still, block out the noise from the world - you know the world can get very, very loud, and we tend to let the world's opinion mean more in certain situations than it should."

The couple had reached a point in their relationship where they found themselves unable to open up to one another to discuss their problems.

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