Sen. Ted Cruz Mocked For Dramatic Videos From Trip To Southern Border

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) On US Border with Mexico (Image: Twitter)

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is being slammed on social media for his new series of documentary-style videos of himself and other Republican Senators visiting the southern border. Cruz draws an exceedingly dramatic image of life on the border including heckling from cartel members and dead bodies floating down the Rio Grande. Cruz’s comments, however, are undercut by the reality that the current number of migrants crossing the southern border is about the same as in past years.

With the gravitas of a soldier on the front lines, Cruz details that, “On the other side of the river we have been listening to and seeing cartel members – human traffickers – right on the other side of the river waving flashlights, yelling and taunting Americans, taunting the border patrol.”

Cruz was quickly criticized by Beto O’Rourke, his Democratic opponent in 2018, who responded, “If you’re looking for a crisis to cosplay Senator for, I’m happy to point you in the right direction.”

Others compared the senator’s odd background to movies like Jurassic Park.

Others recalled Cruz’s recent attempted vacation to Cancun while several million Texans braved winter storms and wide-scale blackouts.


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