Shaun Ryder releasing new book

Shaun Ryder is to release a new book.

The Happy Mondays frontman will share a first-hand account of his music career in 'How To Be A Rockstar'.

Shaun will recount three decades of touring the world, which took him from Salford to San Francisco and working men's clubs to playing Wembley, and provide readers with a fly-on-the-wall look at rock 'n' roll lifestyle and tell them how – and how not – to be a rock star.

The star will tell tales of being a leading figure in the Madchester scene and hanging out with the Rolling Stones. Fans will be provided with an insight into the debauchery of the tour bus, run-ins with record companies and drug dealers and how Shaun forged a remarkable rock 'n' roll comeback.

'How To Be A Rockstar' is slated for release in October.

Shaun was infamous for his drug-taking at the height of his fame with the Happy Mondays but recently revealed that the medication he is currently taking is benefiting his love life with his wife Joanne Ryder.

The 58-year-old star said: "I’m probably on more drugs today than in the Happy Mondays heyday.

"I’m on thyroxine, which is for my under-active thyroid. I’m on blood pressure pills. I’m on testosterone replacement.

"The thyroid affects everything - allergies and all sorts. I mean, if I don’t take these pills for the allergies, I can’t breathe. It’d be like an ­anaphylactic shock. Me throat goes tight and everything. I’m riddled with arthritis, too.

"But my wife is well satisfied with the testosterone treatment as all that went at the end of me 40s, so I’ve been on it for about 12 years now.

"So, yeah, it was like being 21, but without all the headaches of what goes with being 21."

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