Crowbits: A LEGO-compatible toy that makes STEM fun

If you want your kid to play, as well as learn, the best gift you can give is something based on the STEM approach. And, if you want to gift something that your kid would love playing with, you’ll probably buy a LEGO. What if you get both options in one toy, meaning a toy that your kid would not only love playing with, but would add to his or her learning skills as well? Elecrow has attempted to come up with one such product – Crowbits.

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What is Crowbits?

Crowbits are magnetic, programmable, electronic blocks that are compatible with LEGO. It must be noted that Crowbits kits do not actually come with actual LEGO bricks, rather are LEGO-compatible. The primary objective of this toy is to teach kids to code as they play.

Crowbits has over 80 magnetic blocks that can be snapped together to create unlimited combinations. The kit consists of several learning modules, which can be programmed depending on their function.

Moreover, these kits (Hello Kit, Explorer Kit, Inventor Kit, Creator Kit and Master Kit) range from simpler to more complex ones (more on that below).

The Explorer, Inventor and Creator Kits are aimed at older kids who want to learn and better their coding skills. Moreover, these kits provide kids with more complexities and challenges. The Master Kit teaches kids about programming their mobile phone, game console, or radar sensor.

The product is very cool but it does require some engineering or IT experience to put it together quickly. If you do not have that background, keep in mind before purchasing.

In all, Crowbits seems like a good gift for your loved ones who love tech products. This “plug and play” concept will keep your kids busy (as well as reduce their screen time), but in a productive way.

Currently, Crowbits is available to back on Kickstarter.

Disclaimer: The company provided us with a free product in return for an honest review.

The post Crowbits: A LEGO-compatible toy that makes STEM fun appeared first on ValueWalk.

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