James Bond video game inspired by entire film franchise

'Project 007' is inspired by the entire film franchise.

The upcoming video game will follow an original story but the developers have taken inspiration from the James Bond film franchise from Sir Sean Connery's portrayal of the iconic spy to Daniel Craig's latest performance.

Speaking with IGN, Hakan Abrak, CEO and co-owner of developer IO Interactive said: "There's always excitement around a new Bond. It's amazing, what they have done with the franchise over the years. Every Bond kind of defines a generation and it's amazing how they keep reinventing themselves over so many years.

"So, we're not only inspired by one movie, or games and whatnot. We're inspired by the whole thing, and just sucking things into us to make an original Bond, an original story, but that is absolutely true and recognizable in the values there is in Bond."

It comes after Abrak recently said IO Interactive's 'James Bond' game will feature a brand new 007 and story.

He said: "It's important to mention: doing a licensed game is new to us. We've only done our own, original IPs, right? We've created these characters... ourselves, from scratch. "So, I think for us to really embrace this fully, and really, as I said before, we don't like to work 'mechanical.' "It's not just because it's a big IP, or it's a licensed game, and commercially this is interesting... It means nothing to us. We've taken a lot of non-commercial risks before. "So, for us, it's about... we need to feel it, deep inside. The passion needs to be there, so it was very important for us that it wasn't a movie adaptation. "So, it wasn't a game about... a specific movie, where the story has already been told."

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