8 Ways To Boost Property Value And Increase Kerb Appeal

When it comes to selling your home, first impressions certainly count. Properties with high kerb appeal are guaranteed to have better luck on the market, with potential buyer’s keen to conduct a viewing. Neat spaces induce greater kerb appeal and boost a home’s value – the best part is, you don’t necessarily need to spend hefty sums to make a difference.

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Tips To Improve Kerb Appeal And Grow Property Value

Now, you may be wondering where to start. The following 8 top tips to improve kerb appeal and grow property value will help.

A fresh lick of paint brings to life even the dullest areas, rejuvenate peeling surfaces with a refined coat for an instant upgrade. Don’t be afraid to pop in a bold colour; choose up to three complementary colours in your palette to truly enhance your property. Average exterior paint jobs cost $15-$45 per square metre on brick surfaces and $12-$60 on timber surfaces.

Not only will a newly painted property elevate your kerb appeal, but it can make your home more valuable.

Not only will fencing step up your kerb appeal, but it also offers a sense of ownership and privacy, appealing to homebuyers. Not only will modern gates and fencing panels add character to your garden spaces, but will visually complement the front of your home.

Again, old, flaking facilities can be spruced up with a coat of paint. Aim to keep on top of repairs, avoid wonky fencing and squeaky gates.

Front doors are arguably one of the most essential features of any house; 84% of home buyers purchase a property depending on how good they feel walking through the front door. Renovation of front entrances opens up opportunities for adding splashes of colour; warm, earthy tones are rather inviting, but the choice is entirely yours.

Upgrading hardware can add character to your home. Supply the convenience of a doorbell or install a statement knocker. Consider alternative ways to display your number sign – engrave it into the very door or place ornamental signage.

In a mission to raise kerb appeal), landscaping is a must – well-designed outdoor spaces can reduce the number of days on the market by 10%-15%. Quality-looking landscapes are made from a steady balance of soft and hard spaces.

Seeding 1,000 square-feet of lawn costs $120 but you could receive significant returns of over 400%. Installation of a wooden pergola is enough to transform any small garden, accessorise the space with botanical features that are easy to maintain in hot climates. Accessorise the outline of your decking with vibrant flower beds, seasonal shrubberies and decorative pebbles.

Kerb appeal heavily relies on the tidiness of your exterior. If you have a pathway leading up to your front door, ensure it has been power washed, weeded, and cleared of debris.

Create a symmetrical effect by distributing plants and outdoor fixtures evenly on both sides of the path. Symmetry is easy on the eye and a quick way to boost kerb appeal.

Investing in quality windows is a move you won’t regret; earn over 74% ROI on upgrades. uPVC windows are easy to clean yourself, be sure to take extra care on wooden frames. If you decide to replace the frames, consider matching their colour to the front door – creating a theme is a useful way to maximise viewings.

Landscape lighting enhances the beauty of your green spaces and architecture. Aesthetically improve the front of your home by illuminating the pathway leading up to the door. Install security lights around entrances to increase a sense of security. Take advantage of the Australian sun and opt-in for solar-powered alternatives, the retail value of your house can rise by up to $6,000 per kilowatt of solar energy.

A scruffy exterior is enough to put anyone off, rid yourself of unwanted items or store them neatly out of sight. Repair any broken guttering and tend to any areas liable to flooding.

Present patios and decking in all their glory with a good power wash to clear away any debris or discolouration; these are key areas your buyers are most interested in.

Kerb appeal goes hand-in-hand with home value. Aim to create a modern, aesthetically pleasing landscape by accentuating your home’s most desirable features. Utilise greenery in decorative ways while paying close attention to your lawn. Follow these tips to increase kerb appeal and boost property value.

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