Hunter Biden Says He’s ‘100% Certain’ He’ll Be Cleared Of Wrongdoing In DOJ Probe

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 12: World Food Program USA Board Chairman Hunter Biden (L) and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden attend the World Food Program USA's Annual McGovern-Dole Leadership Award Ceremony at Organization of American States on April...

As the Justice Department’s ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden‘s finances continues, the president’s son is confident his name will be cleared.

“I can say this, is I’m cooperating, completely,” Biden said in an interview with CBS News. “And I am absolutely certain, 100% certain, that at the end of the investigation, that I will be cleared of any wrongdoing.”

Since December, federal investigators have been looking into Hunter Biden’s business dealings, examining financial issues such as alleged tax violation and money laundering laws from foreign country business dealings.

In addition to his finances, the president’s son has had to defend his position on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that he took in 2014.

“I don’t think I made a mistake in taking a spot on the board,” Biden said in the interview. “I think I made a mistake in terms of underestimating the way in which it would be used against me.”

Biden’s book, Beautiful Things, was released this week. The memoir features stories of his life, his relationship with his late brother, Beau Biden, and talks about how it was like to grow up as the son of Joe Biden.

Biden’s personal struggles with drugs and alcohol are also discussed in the book, his addiction stemming from his brother’s passing to brain cancer in 2015.

One of the instances Biden touches upon in the book was how his father confronted him about his drinking.

“He came to my apartment one time, and this was when he was still in office as vice president. And so he ditched his Secret Service, figured out a way to get over to the house, and I said, ‘What are you doing here?’ ‘He said, ‘Honey, what are you doing?’ I said, ‘Dad, I’m fine,’ He said, ‘You’re not fine.’ ”

Joe Biden says that he calls his son every night before bed and continues to do so.


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