Ludwig officially breaks Ninja's Twitch subscriber record A proud moment.

Ludwig Ahgren has broken Tyler "Ninja" Blevin's record for the most active Twitch subscribers of all time on the final day of his subathon.

After 31 days, Ludwig has surpassed 271,000 subscribers, beating Ninja's impressive count of 269,154. The Fortnite superstar set the record in April 2018 when he played games with rappers Drake and Travis Scott. Ludwig beat the record by hosting a record-breaking subathon unlike anything Twitch has ever seen.

Ludwig began his subathon on March 14. In just five days of nonstop streaming, Ludwig grew his sub count to 100,000. Every time he got a new subscriber, Ludwig would add 10 seconds to the stream time. This prompted Twitch users to continuously subscribe to keep the timer going. On April 6, Ludwig hit 200,000 subscribers.

It's continued strong ever since. Every time the timer would fizzle down, Ludwig's followers would subscribe to keep it going. At one point he even hit one second and gained a handful of subscribers to keep his stream going for 31 days. That was the cut off Ludwig gave earlier in the subathon.

Ludwig announced the end of his stream a few days ago. It looks like the streamathon with Ludwig reaching his original goal of beating Ninja's record.

More than 135,000 of the subscribers were using their Twitch Prime sub or money to subscribe to the channel. The remainder of the subs were gifted by community members to keep the record-breaking streak going even longer.

"To Ninja's record, which in its own right is indomitable because it was done by the masses before the gifts changed the game. One record that will probably never be broken is the amount of Primers he got, the amount of people that showed up," Ludwig said. "What he did took me streaming every single day of my life, 24 hours a day, with about half the amount of subs I have gifted to my channel."

Ludwig added that Ninja was a "professional" while Ludwig himself just "made stupid jokes all day." During the 31-day stream, Ludwig worked out, hung out with friends, got his hair cut, and performed other mundane activities all while viewers continued to watch his life.

After beating Ninja's record, the Twitch professional himself decided to speak on the monumental achievement. On Twitter, Ninja admitted he was "a little sad" at losing the record, but said that "records are meant to be broken."

The rest of the streaming community joined Ninja in celebrating Ludwig's record. From Team Liquid to Neekolul, Twitter was full of words of congratulations for Ludwig. The streamer is now free from being filmed 24/7 and will most likely go back to streaming just a few hours a day. But he has yet to announce what he will be doing now that the subathon is over a month later.

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