Elderwood Ornn makes $7 million for charity, still few Ornn skins A big success.

The League of Legends 2020 charity skin for Ornn was a big success, raising more than $7 million for charity.

Elderwood Ornn was released with the intention of raising as much money for charity as possible. From the end of 2020 to early January, players would be able to purchase Elderwood Ornn and associated purchasable content with all proceeds going to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund. The associated content consisted of an emote, chromas, and Elderwood Ornn bundles, besides from the raw skin itself.

Raising money for charity through Elderwood Ornn was the second time Riot used skin earnings for a good cause. In 2019, Riot did the same with Dawnbringer Karma which raised $6 million. Beating that number by a big margin with Elderwood Ornn shows the increased dedication from the League of Legends community and potentially also that there are a lot of Ornn fans out there.

The Elderwood Ornn skin itself was set at a price of 1350 RP, which is the usual price of most new skins these days. Besides the skin, a total of six chromas could be purchased on the side to make the skin look even more exclusive on Summoner’s Rift. For the players that wanted it all, an Elderwood Ornn All-Star bundle could be bought for 7885 RP.

After the big success with Elderwood Ornn it’s very likely that Riot will repeat the success and potentially make it an annual thing.

“Thank you all so much for continuing to support highly impactful organizations around the world,” Riot said. "We hope you’ll join us again in this year’s charity fundraiser, so we can continue to build a better world together.”

Ornn still with very few skins in League of Legends

With over $7 million raised, it might be time for Riot to focus more on Ornn skins. After Ornn’s release in August 2017, the Fire below the Mountain still only has two skins in the game, one of them being Elderwood Ornn. The other skin available for Ornn is the one he was released with, which is Thunder Lord Ornn.

With over 150 champions in the game, it’s hard for Riot to give everyone attention which has made fans angry over the years. Several champions have ended up in the “1000 days club," which is for champions who haven’t received a new skin in 1000 days. This isn’t exactly the case for Ornn, but his popularity in the meta over the past years could be an argument for even more skins to the tanky top laner.

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