English soccer teams announce social media blackout

English soccer teams have announced plans for a social media boycott in response to racist abuse.

Premier League, English Football League and Women's Super League clubs are all set to join the social media blackout - an idea that emerged amid the wave of online abuse directed at players.

Sanjay Bhandari, of the anti-discrimination charity Kick it Out, said: "This boycott signifies our collective anger. Social media is now sadly a regular vessel for toxic abuse.

"By removing ourselves from the platforms, we are making a symbolic gesture to those with power. We need you to act. We need you to create change.

"We need social media companies to make their platforms a hostile environment for trolls rather than for the football family."

Elsewhere, Edleen John, the Football Association's director of equality, insisted "English football will not tolerate discrimination in any form".

Edleen added: "We are calling on organisations and individuals across the game to join us in a temporary boycott of these social media platforms, to show solidarity and unite in the message.

"Social media companies need to be held accountable if they continue to fall short of their moral and social responsibilities to address this endemic problem."

Meanwhile, the UK government has recently threatened various social media companies - such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - with "large fines" if they fail to tackle racist abuse on their platforms.

Oliver Dowden, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, recently wrote on Twitter: "Racist abuse online is never acceptable.

"Our new online safety laws hold social media companies to account for tackling it, with large fines if they don't.

"I've met footballers to help shape these laws. By working together we will stop this."

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