American Families Plan: Biden Targets The Ultra Rich

President Biden will unveil the American Families Plan tomorrow as part of his Build Back Better agenda. Reports are showing it will feature an increase of taxes on the wealthy and closing of tax loopholes that the wealthy use to cheat the system.

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Biden's American Families Plan

Frank Clemente, Executive Director of Americans for Tax Fairness, is an expert on U.S. tax policy, wealth in America and helped found Americans for Tax Fairness in 2012. Frank has also served as senior policy advisor to the U.S. House Committee on Government Operations. ATF has been on the forefront of exposing Billionaire wealth increase since the pandemic began, the exact group of individuals that exploit the current system.

The polls don't lie this time. We've already seen polls from FOXNews, ABC/WashPost, Monmouth University, Navigator Research, CNBC All-America Economic Survey, Quinnipiac University, Yahoo News/You Gov, Morning Consult/Politico and Reuters/Ipsos that show support for the Biden infrastructure plan when paired with increased taxes on the wealthy and corporations.

Frank is available to talk about closing the tax loopholes, billionaire wealth increase, taxes on the rich, the Biden agenda, and creating a fair share tax system for all of us.

“Raising taxes on corporations, closing corporate tax loopholes and asking the wealthiest to pay their fair share in taxes is a winning message, period,” said Frank Clemente, Executive Director of Americans For Tax Fairness. “For too long our country has had a system where the rich, powerful and privileged can hoard money, avoid taxes and continually put the burden on the middle class. President Biden’s plan to close these loopholes and begin to make our tax system a fair share tax system is a bold move, and the right move.”

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