Pelosi Slams McCarthy For Taking Credit For American Rescue Plan He Voted Against

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 08: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) pose for photographs after delivering a televised response to President Donald Trump's national address about border...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) called out House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-California) for trying to take credit for a provision of the American Rescue Plan COVID-19 stimulus package that he fought vehemently against when the bill was up for debate in the House.

“Applications for the SBA’s Restaurant Revitalization Fund open this Monday, May 3rd,” McCarthy wrote in a Facebook post. The fund provides eligible restaurants with up to $10 million, but no more than $5 million per location in funding. Restaurants do not have to pay back the sum as long as it contributes solely to payroll, mortgage payments, maintenance or construction of outdoor seating.”

“Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called the American Rescue Plan ‘socialist,’ claimed it would turn the U.S. into Venezuela, and convinced every member of his caucus to vote against it. He even warned the American people ‘help is not on the way.’ Now he’s touting the American Rescue Plan’s Restaurant Revitalization Fund to brag about bringing home the bacon,” reads a new statement from Pelosi’s office.

Pelosi warned when the American Rescue Plan passed that Republicans would “vote no and take the dough” and has continuously slammed GOP representatives and senators who have tried to take credit for its provisions.


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