Jamie Oliver tracks down stolen tractor

Jamie Oliver has slammed the police for failing to find his stolen tractor.

The celebrity chef was forced to turn detective to find his farm vehicle after it was taken from his Essex estate and he tracked it down when the police failed to help.

According to The Sun, Jamie told locals about the theft and warned them to keep their own belongings under lock and key.

He said: "Two guys in a black Mercedes 4x4 stole a new trailer and tractor.

“I just wanted to make you all aware there seems to be some confident casual theft going on in and around the village. Another local farmer and house in the village also has been broken into. It’s not for me to say who, so it’s well worth being vigilant as ever.

"When we spoke to them it was still a very active crime and frankly our security systems and team did all the homework for them but no real active interest??

"Anyway, our security cameras picked up the burglars, their car and the number plate (they tried to cover it up but it fell off mid break-in). The car is taxed MOT etc. Everything they stole had trackers so we were able to see it play out."

Jamie then retrieved the tractor from the field where it had been abandoned but was frustrated that the police did not get involved.

He said: "Police weren’t interested in meeting us at the crime location where our stolen items had been taken. So I had to send my team there to get it back. Honestly?!

"I do realise the police are busy but this type of crime is very common. For me, when it’s active crime with good data etc why would you not follow up?

“Anyway no bother we had it all back by 9.30am. There was also other generators and equipment left in the same area undoubtedly from other crimes. So that’s all just letting you know in good community spirit — keep an eye out. The thieves are really confident. They were on site for 35 minutes and not in a rush so we have made some relevant changes so we’re covered in the future."

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