Riot Teases New VALORANT Game Mode Called Replication

This Saturday, VALORANT has teased an upcoming game-mode named Replication through their social media, which will probably see implementation during the ongoing Episode 2 Act III season.

Details on its objectives and its gameplay are still shrouded in mystery, but this new VALORANT game mode point towards a formula similar to limited time game modes such as One for All or Ultra Rapid Fire (U.R.F.) that were previously seen in League of Legends.

In the short video, we see multiple allied Brimstone smokes being deployed at the same time, revealing that the game-mode will likely limit an entire team to field a single agent or increase their abilities exponentially.



It is unknown if both teams will be limited to the same character but this could certainly make for some interesting and chaotic matches, given there are multiple agents with a large quantity of flashes, smokes and other equally impairing abilities.

Replication will probably feature alongside Breeze – an unrated playlist created for the most recent map addition to VALORANT – in the list of game-modes added in Act III.

Escalation was the latest game-mode to be featured – Credit: Riot Games

Riot has already implemented a number of different game-modes in VALORANT geared towards its casual fanbase. While some of these were time limited, others have remained in the game.

As such, only time will tell about the future of Replication, with more news soon to come up in the future.