Facebook tests prompt to warn users against sharing unread articles

Facebook has announced plans to test a prompt to warn users against sharing articles they haven't read.

The social media platform has revealed details of the new feature, which is aimed at battling misinformation on the site.

Facebook explained: "Starting today, we're testing a way to promote more informed sharing of news articles.

"If you go to share a news article link you haven't opened, we'll show a prompt encouraging you to open it and read it, before sharing it with others."

A pop-up message will appear when someone tries to share a piece they haven't actually read, advising them: "You are about to share an article without opening it.

"Sharing articles without reading them may mean missing key facts."

Then, the user has the choice of opening the article or sharing it.

Last year, Facebook also tested a feature which alerted users if they tried to share a link more than three months old.

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