UK government reassures holidaymakers over vaccine passports

The UK government has reassured holidaymakers over so-called vaccine passports.

It's been confirmed that from May 17, the NHS app will double as a vaccine passport and holidaymakers will be able to use it to travel overseas.

Health secretary Matt Hancock told Sky News: "The certification, being able to show that you’ve had a jab, is going to be necessary for people to be able to travel.

"So, we want to make sure people can get access to that proof, not least to show governments of other countries that you’ve had the jab if they require that in order to arrive.

"Israel’s a good example. They’ve said that they’ll want proof of you having had two jabs for you to go to Israel as and when they open up. They’re on the green list of course.

"So we will make sure that you can get access to that, to prove that point."

Despite this, not all countries are currently accepting the use of vaccine passports, meaning British travellers are set to be restricted in their movements.

So far, more than 60 percent of UK adults have received at least one dose of the vaccine and holiday bookings have started to increase over recent weeks, as Brits look forward to the summer.

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