Trump Hints To Crowd That Arizona Recount May Overturn 2020 Election & Return Him To Office

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 07: U.S. President Donald Trump first lady Melania Trump participate in an event with students, teachers and administrators about how to safely re-open schools during the novel coronavirus pandemic in the East Room at the...

Former President Donald Trump insinuated to a crowd at a Mar-A-Lago event that he may be reinstated as president after the Arizona recount. The former president told crowds to “watch Arizona. Some very interesting things are happening in Arizona.”

“After that, we’ll watch Pennsylvania, and you watch Georgia, then you’re going to watch Michigan and Wisconsin, and you’re watching New Hampshire. They found a lot of votes up in New Hampshire just now … You saw that?” Trump said from the ballroom risers. “This was a rigged election, everybody knows it, and we’re going to be watching it very closely.”

“Let’s see what they find. I wouldn’t be surprised if they found thousands and thousands and thousands of votes,” Trump said to spattering applause.

The Arizona Republican party enlisted Florida-based tech firm called Cyber Ninjas to analyze the audit’s results despite repeated accusations that the group’s CEO Doug Logan spread several false election conspiracy theories on his now-deleted Twitter account. In an April press conference, Logan told reporters, “It’s really, really important to us that we have integrity in the way we do this count and in the results that come out of it.”

“My concern grows deeper by the hour,” Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D) wrote in an email last month. “It is clear that no one involved in this process knows what they are doing, and they are making it up as they go along.”


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