Full Schedule for E3 Announced as Fan Registration Opens

The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) announced the full schedule of shows and press conferences for this year’s E3, which is set to start in just about nine days.

Credit: Microsoft

The schedule includes dates and times for all the conferences and showcases from all of the big studios participating in the event, as well as other smaller companies. The scope of each show will vary as different publishers will be ready to show different things.

On the first day of the show June 12th, aside from the general E3 kickoff, which starts at 10AM PT/1PM ET, Ubisoft and Gearbox Entertainment will be the first conferences to go. Ubisoft already held a debut for Far Cry 6, which you can read about here, so expect more about that and other upcoming Ubisoft games.

Next, on June 13th, are some of the biggest shows of the entire event. That includes Xbox/Bethesda, Square Enix, Warner Bros., and the PC Gaming Show. The Microsoft conference is the first of the bunch, starting at 10AM PT/1PM ET. Speculation about the Xbox conference is rampant as people expect to see a lot of details for Halo Infinite and Starfield. Square Enix has already announced they would talk about the next expansion for Marvel’s Avengers, a new game from Eidos Montreal, and Babylon’s Fall.

Credit: Square Enix

On June 14th, Take-Two and Capcom are the major showcases for that day. Also, throughout the beginning of that day, various indie press conferences will happen, in order to show off some lesser known games. The pre-show for June 14th starts at 8:45AM PT/11:45AM PT.

And finally, on June 15th, Nintendo and Bandai Namco will hold their press conferences. Speculation for both shows is at unprecedented levels, as fans want new information for the Breath of the Wild sequel and an announcement of a new Switch from Nintendo, as well as any information about Elden Ring from Bandai Namco. The broadcast for that day starts at 8:00AM PT/11:00AM ET and it will end with the Official E3 Awards Show.

Credit: Nintendo

Fans can register now for the event. For those who decide to register, they will have access to special exhibitor booths, event related online lounges, forums, and leaderboards. To be clear, no one needs to register for E3 to watch the shows; they will be broadcast anywhere and everywhere online. For more details about the schedule and fan registration, click here.

With the full schedule for E3 2021 announced, fans will have plenty to speculate about before the show starts on June 12th.