Lil Mosey Ordered To Stay Away From Alleged Rape Victim

Lil Mosey (Image: Wikimedia)

Lil Mosey, who rose to fame with the hit song “Blueberry Faygo,” has been ordered to stay away from his alleged rape victim.

The 19-year-old rapper is facing a second-degree rape charge. In the state of Washington, second-degree rape refers to non-consensual sexual intercourse which occurs either by forcible compulsion or “when the victim is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless or mentally incapacitated.” The incident allegedly took place in January and the Lewis County, Washington court has warned him to stay 500 feet away from his accuser at all times.

Such orders are common with sexual offenses and are known as a sexual assault pre-trial protection order. In addition to not coming within 500 feet of his alleged victim, Mosey must maintain sobriety and cannot possess a firearm. Any firearms currently within his possession should be surrendered to the Lewis County Sherriff’s Office.

The woman who came forward alleged that Mosey assaulted her at his cabin in Randle, Washington when she and a friend went to meet up with him. At first, she consented to sex with the rapper, but she blacked out and woke up to find Mosey pulling her legs apart.

Mosey pled not guilty to the charges, but, if convicted, he and his associate Francisco Prater could face up to life in prison.


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