AHA Distributing Expands Facility, Adds Team Member

AHA Distributing, distribution company serving the Southeast, is growing its facility space and team.

Said Chris Gilray, AHA president, “We have doubled our shopping space to 2,600 square feet and have packed it with products so our dealers have an easier than ever, hands-on shopping experience. We have also added 900 square feet of training facility on the second floor of our building that is completely automated.”

AHA Distributing—Catalyst AV member, serving Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and Puerto Rico—also has welcomed back Robin Roy as director of sales, after spending the last three years with Phoenix Marketing Group. Additionally, AHA welcomes Jeremy McGouirk, in inside sales. McGouirk has been an integrator for the last 10 years, bringing a multitude of “in-the-trenches knowledge” to the team.

Robin Roy returns to AHA Distributing as director of sales.

“Adding the shopping and training space and the new members will ensure AHA helps our dealers to grow their businesses across the Southeast!” added Gilray.