New tool to help under-18s report nude photos of themselves

A new online tool has been launched to hep under-18s report nude photos of themselves online.

The service - which comes from the Internet Watch Foundation and NSPCC's Childline - is looking to help children whose partners have posted pictures of them, or who have been groomed.

They can be submitted via the Report Remove online tool, and the IWF charity will investigate and try to get them removed if they are illegal.

If the photo or video is already online, they can provide the URL.

If it hasn't, the charity can still create a digital fingerprint - known as a hash - which can be circulated to tech companies and law enforcement to prevent it from being shared.

These images can be reported anonymously - provided their age is verified - or details can be given to help get support from Childline.

IWF's head Susie Hargeaves said: "Once those images are out there, it can be an incredibly lonely place for victims, and it can seem hopeless.

"It can also be frightening, not knowing who may have access to these images."

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