Tom Parker: I'll fight cancer until the end

Tom Parker has vowed to fight cancer to the end.

The 32-year-old singer is currently making a documentary about his battle with a brain tumour, and Tom has insisted he'll never give up.

Tom - who is organising a fundraising concert for the Stand Up 2 Cancer campaign - told The Sun newspaper: "Almost a year ago, my world was turned upside down by my diagnosis.

"It’s been an emotional few months for me and my family. But I’m determined to both fight the disease and the terrible situation of the chronically low level of research that goes towards finding a cure and treatment for glioblastoma.

"In this documentary, as well as exploring the medical and human aspects of this disease, I am determined to raise awareness and raise as much money as we can through the concert to help advance crucial cancer research and develop new treatments."

The upcoming show will see Tom - who has daughter Aurelia, two, and seven-month-old son Bodhi with his wife Kelsey - explore some of the possible treatments for cancer.

The singer - who rose to fame in the boyband the Wanted - will also meet other brain cancer patients.

Despite his diagnosis, Tom and his wife recently revealed they want more children.

The singer and Kelsey are keen to add to their brood, as they are trying to stay positive about Tom's prognosis.

She said: "We are looking to the future now.

"We are planning for more children – I’ve always wanted a big family and I think we’ll end up with four. But there’s only a 16-month age gap between our two children and it’s definitely been a lot, even without taking into account our circumstances, so I won’t be having children that close in age again – doing that once was enough.

"Tom was recently told he’d had a 'significant reduction' in the size of the tumour. I couldn’t believe it, I was asking him if those were the exact words the doctor had said. We just stood in our bedroom crying tears of joy and relief.

"We are looking to our future with nothing but positivity. Tom will always be my Tom and we’ll get through it together, like we always do."

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