Noel Gallagher wants Michael Fassbender to play him in a film

Noel Gallagher wants Michael Fassbender to play him in a biopic.

The former Oasis rocker has revealed that he would want to be played by the 'X-Men' actor in a movie about his life, but believes it would be hard for someone to bring him to life on the big screen as he has a "unique look".

He said: "I have quite a unique look.

"Would anybody want to play me? I don't know. Maybe Michael Fassbender, because he's a great actor."

Noel, 54, was recently portrayed by James McClelland in 'Creation Stories', the biographical flick telling the story of Alan McGee's Creation Records label.

Oasis were signed to Creation Records during the 1990s and James was pleased that the film - which is written by 'Trainspotting' author Irvine Welsh and stars Ewen Bremner as the music mogul - provides a completely unsanitised account of McGee's wild life.

He told BANG Showbiz: "The movie is not sanitised at all, I don’t think Irvine has it in him. Censorship is not something that Irvine Welsh does. There’s nothing censored about this film at all. I think one of the beautiful things is at the start on the screen it flashes up with the words which say ‘includes scenes of drug use, sex…’ and a full list. So prepare yourself."

James insists the film – which is based on McGee's 2013 autobiography of the same name – is similar in style to '24 Hour Party People', which told the story of Manchester music impresario Tony Wilson who founded Factory Records, the home of bands such as New Order, A Certain Ratio and the Happy Mondays.

He said: "I think if you’re a fan of Irvine Welsh’s writing then I think you’re going to be getting exactly what you imagine. I think a good film as a reference is '24 Hour Party People', it’s really on brand with that, it’s that kind of vibe.

"If you like watching films where people get off their faces taking drugs then I think it’s going to be right up your street."

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