Rainbow Six Extraction and Siege offer 'own challenges'

Rainbow Six Extraction and Siege offer their "own challenges".

Extraction creative director's Patrik Méthé has insisted the two games are completely different and they are "confident that it will appeal to a wide variety of players from both sides".

Speaking about the upcoming game, he said: "They're both very different games offering their own challenges and pacing so there's no worry in that regard, quite the opposite in fact. The way [Extraction] is built in its PvE nature - we're confident that it will appeal to a wide variety of players from both sides."

And Méthé is excited how Siege players will cope with the "advanced challenges".

He added: "In addition, should Siege players decide to push [Extraction] to its maximum threat level, it will offer a high-octane challenge, on par - and even above - what they're used to in Siege. It'll be interesting to see how they cope with these advanced challenges. For newcomers to the Rainbow Six universe - Extraction offers an enjoyable tactical co-op experience where they'll be able to push themselves to the limit and will have to improve their skills and abilities every time they play, to make mission success easier. Communication and teamwork will be even more essential for these players."

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