Christina Hendricks urges Hollywood to embrace non-conforming characters

Christina Hendricks thinks Hollywood needs to embrace more non-conforming female characters.

The 46-year-old actress - who played Beth Boland in the recently-cancelled TV series 'Good Girls' - believes the film and TV industry should be more open-minded about female characters.

She said: "I think that a woman can be so many different things and the more you show all those different sides to her, people respond to that as strength because it feels real."

Christina feels "lucky" to play powerful women on-screen, and has praised the makers of 'Good Girls' for creating "well-rounded" female characters.

The actress also reflected on her own evolution since she starred in 'Mad Men', the drama series that ran between 2007 and 2015.

She told People: "I think I learned how to acknowledge my own contribution to things and that it was far more important than I had given myself credit for.

"I learned that I love a challenge and that I can rise to it."

Earlier this year, meanwhile, Christina revealed that people have “tried to take advantage” of her on movie sets.

The actress explained that people have tried to “persuade” her, “coerce” her, and “professionally shame” her at various points in her career.

She explained: "I have had moments – not on ‘Mad Men’, on other things – where people have tried to take advantage of me, use my body in a way I wasn’t comfortable with, persuade me or coerce me or professionally shame me: ‘If you took your work seriously, you would do this …’

"Maybe it was my modelling background, but I knew to immediately get on the phone and go: ‘Uh oh, trouble.’ That’s where it’s very much a job. We need to talk to the producers and handle this professionally."

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