Sir Ringo Star's sex toy row reaches climax

Sir Ringo Starr has dropped his legal battle with a sex toy company.

The Beatles legend has reached an agreement with the makers of the Ring O adult device, having previously launched an objection in March 2019 because he felt the brand name was too similar to his own moniker.

According to the dismissal settlement, the 80-year-old drummer has consented to the use of the name Ring O "only in connection with adult aids and desensitising sprays, and so long as there is a separation between the word 'RING' and the letter 'O'."

In turn, manufacturers Pacific Coast Holdings and Momentum Management have agreed to "avoid any activity likely to lead to confusion".

They have also promised not to "degrade, tarnish or deprecate or disparage" Ringo's name or image and won't make any reference or innuendo, or include words or images, that could associate their products with either the musician or his former band.

On his part, Ringo has agreed not to register his own name trademarks in connection with adult sex aids.

The settlement is dated 5 May but Ringo has yet to comment publicly on the agreement.

Meanwhile, the veteran rocker recently credited his vegetarian diet with helping him keep his youthful looks.

He said: “I know, at my age. I just get up in the morning and this is what you get.

“I tend to work out and keep as busy as I can. I’m a vegetarian, I eat lots of berries, lots of fruit and lots of vegetables and salad.”

Despite the tried and tested method of getting plenty of beauty sleep to stay youthful, Ringo hates going to bed early.

He added: “I don’t like to go to bed before midnight.”

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