Chelsea Handler took mushrooms in lockdown

Chelsea Handler once took magic mushrooms with her landscaper.

The 46-year-old comedian shared a psychedelic experience with her landscaper during the early days of the coronavirus lockdown when they ate mushrooms at her home.

Appearing on SiriusXM’s 'Andy Cohen Live', she revealed: "I had a blast for the first two weeks. How many people have woken up, set their alarm to 9 a.m. on a Monday morning to wake up and take mushrooms with your landscaper? Not many people, but when you’re single, you have these opportunities."

However, the television host thought she was talking to her trees in the garden whilst she was on mushrooms but it turned out she was speaking to her landscaper.

She explained: “I only found out my landscaper liked to take mushrooms because I was taking them one morning and I was talking to what I thought, what were my trees in my backyard for 30 minutes until I realized it was my landscaper. And that’s when I handed him some mushrooms and we just sat there all day in the pool and talked s***. And it was fun. You know, I got to know him.”

It's not the first time the 'Chelsea Lately' star has offered to share narcotics as Martha Stewart recently revealed she had offered to smoke a joint with Martha and the lifestyle expert accepted the offer.

She told Entertainment Tonight: "I just took up Chelsea Handler's challenge to smoke a joint with her. I told her I haven't smoked a joint since the 1960s. So for me to smoke a joint is a really big deal. We haven't done it yet ... it has to be together, some time in the future."

Meanwhile, Martha is close friends with pot-loving rapper Snoop Dogg, although she has previously insisted they didn't smoke together when working on 'Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party'.

She said: "I made a pact early on doing this show that I would never enter Snoop's domain, his trailer. I've never gone as far as the first steps into his trailer. All the guests go into his trailer, by the way. But not Martha. I get kind of high from secondary smoke. I'm not a smoker myself, but the smoke is quite thick around the set.

"So someone smokes marijuana? Big deal! People smoke cigarettes and die from cancer. I haven't heard of anybody dying from cannabis. I'm quite egalitarian and liberal when it comes to stuff like that."

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