Post-it notes, t-shirt rolling and underwear pouches: a travel blogger's real tips for summer vacation

Vacations are great, except for when you have to close an overstuffed suitcase, think about tickets and check-in and plan your itinerary. What's the secret for traveling in style and class? Amandine LR from the blog La Fille à l'Envers gives us some tips about how to make the process easier.

Vacation is a good time to forget about all the day-to-day hassles but as we leave on vacation we would like to avoid forgetting what we need to do and take to make our trip go smoothly. Fortunately French blogger Amandine of La Fille à l'Envershas some little tricks up her sleeve to help us. Since 2014, the 34-year-old has been roaming the prettiest corners of France and elsewhere to discover "the other side" of things. On her blog, and on Instagram, she shares her best finds in terms of places visited. And here with us, she's shared her tips for getting away this summer with peace of mind.   

I'm trying to fit loads of stuff in my suitcase but I can't close it. How can I get it to cooperate?

I have a technique: I lay everything out flat before I fill it. I look at how I'm going to mix my clothes. Then I roll up my clothes because you don't want to fold your shirts or else they'll get wrinkled. And I put my underwear and accessories in little pouches. That way, when I arrive, I find myself with a lot of small pouches. As for transportation, I opted for a travel bag, a large one with wheels. It's easier when going through customs. A suitcase takes a lot of space and you have to unfold it. But with a travel bag you can just open the top. 


I always tend to forget something. How can I get my mind to cooperate too? 

I use a technique with Post-it notes. Two days before I leave, I make myself a little to-do list where I write down everything I have to put in my bag and in my suitcase before leaving, going from the process of flight check-in down to the socks. And I cross things off in my agenda (I'm very much a paper person) as I go. This way, I have the satisfaction of visualizing things more clearly. 

What do you never leave without taking?

A small charged mobile battery. I don't want to be running around looking for an outlet. I also always have a bottle of water in my bag, and a good book for the waiting times. At the moment, I'm reading "Petit traité sur l'immensité du monde" by the traveler Sylvain Tesson. I really like travel stories. And above all, my phone (with battery) to take nice pictures. 


This interview has been translated from French.

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