NS Kellin: "After playing scrims and actual matches, I realized that our team isn’t too shabby."

On day 21 of the 2021 LCK Summer split, NS RedForce defeated Afreeca Freecs 2-0 in the 2nd match of the day. It only took one late game teamfight for NS to completely flip the game for themselves, while they seemed relentless right from the get go, being in total control of game 2 against AF.

The following is the post-match interview with the support player for NS RedForce, Kim “Kellin” Hyung-kyu.

Thoughts on the victory?

Game 1 was tough, but it was an incredibly valuable experience, because it was our first time winning a game when we were behind.

I think the series against Hanwha Life Esports must be full of regrets. What did the team talk about after that series?

There is always comprehensive reasoning behind every loss; for the HLE series, I think it was because we lacked understanding of the champion tiers in the meta. The feedback centered around champion tiers, and in tonight’s case, our draft went very well, so we were able to win in the end.

Game 1 was a huge comeback victory. What did the team talk about while being behind?

We all knew that our team composition was better, so we kept talking about what kind of plays we can make. We knew that inaction meant defeat, so our attempt to be proactive was what gave us the footing for the comeback.

Game 2 was the ‘Rich-Peanut show’. You must’ve been pretty happy that your top side was doing so well.

That’s right. I think that when we got two kills from our countergank, I knew that we were going to win. RIch is playing very well at the moment, so he’s very reliable.

NS finished round 1 of the regular split with a 6-3 record. Was the result somewhat expected?

Before the split, I thought that we’d be in an okay spot if we were in the middle of the pack. However, after playing scrims and actual matches, I realized that our team isn’t too shabby [laughter], so I think we deserve that 6-3 record.

In your interview during the Spring split, you said that you’re ‘satisfied because I feel like I’m improving”. How much do you think you’ve improved since then?

It hasn’t been a while, but I think I’ve matured quite a bit since then. I always think about each scenario that I’m presented with, so whether it’s in-game or outside the game, I’ve definitely improved. The trust between my teammates has grown as well, and I’m also figuring myself out more and more each day.

Because of how well the team’s doing this split, you must really want to go to Worlds this year.

I definitely do, but I’m not desperate for it. If I practice and play with the sole focus of going to Worlds, I think I’ll be very stressed out. I always try to be the best version of myself today, and a better version of that the next day. If I do make it to Worlds, I want to do as well as I can.

Lastly, is there anything you’d like to say?

I want to thank all the fans for always supporting us. Time flies by very quickly, so I hope that the fans also treasure the moment.

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