Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan praised for 'enlightened decision' to only have two children

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are set to receive an award for their decision to only have two children.

The couple welcomed daughter Lilibet Diana in June and already have son Archie Harrison, two, and sustainability charity Population Matters is giving them a special award for their "enlightened decision" not to have any more kids.

The charity said in a statement: "In choosing and publicly declaring their intention to limit their family to two, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are helping to ensure a better future for their children and providing a role model for other families.

"Having a smaller family reduces our impact on the Earth, and provides a better chance for all our children, their children and future generations to flourish on a healthy planet.

"We commend the Duke and Duchess for taking this enlightened decision, and for affirming that a smaller family is also a happy family."

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, 39, will be given the award Sunday, (07.11.21) to mark the United Nations' World Population Day.

Harry, 36, first spoke about the couple's family plan in an interview with chimpanzee expert Dr Jane Goodall in Vogue magazine in 2019.

Speaking about his concerns for the future of the planet, Harry said: "I’ve always wanted to try and ensure that, even before having a child and hoping to have children …,” before Goodall interjected: “Not too many!”.

He replied: “Two, maximum! But I’ve always thought: this place is borrowed. And, surely, being as intelligent as we all are, or as evolved as we all are supposed to be, we should be able to leave something better behind for the next generation.”

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