[Guide] Best loadout for the OTs 9 SMG in Warzone Season 4

The OTs 9 SMG just dropped for Warzone, and right off the bat, this gun is causing people to raise their eyebrows. While it's hard to say so early if this weapon will be the meta, early signs are pointing to it being one of the better SMGs. This is especially true when you consider the various SMG nerfs that also dropped with the Warzone Season 4 Reloaded patch.

Based on our initial impressions of this gun, we put together a guide for the best OTs9 SMG loadout in Warzone Season 4.

Overview to the OTs 9 SMG

The OTs 9 SMG is an absolute beast in close-range combat situations. It has solid iron sites so you don't have to run an optic on it to see what you are doing, and its fire rate is capable of shredding through fully armored enemies in a fraction of a second. The big drawback for this gun is its tiny ammo capacity, but for a skilled player this gun makes up for its limited magazine size with a time to kill and relatively easy to control spray pattern.

Best attachments to use for the OTs 9 SMG in Warzone

  • GRU Suppressor
  • 8.1" Task force Barrel
  • Bruiser Grip
  • VDV 40 Rn Fast Magazine
  • Raider Stock

Agency Suppressor

The suppressor is your trusted ally in Warzone. This attachment will reduce your overall recoil and keep your off enemy radars. Since this weapon requires you get up close and personal with enemies, it is important that you limit your footprint as much as possible. One day, Warzone might not disproportionately reward stealth, but for now its still best to run a suppressor on basically every weapon. The OTs 9 SMG is no exception.

Task Force Barrel

The Task Force Barrel feels like kind of a risky pick on this weapon, since it reduces your magazine size slightly and increases your recoil slightly. However, the damage increase, boost to range, and boost to bullet velocity is a really nice bump that helps push this weapon to the top of the meta. So long as you are running the extended magazine, most players will benefit from running the very powerful Task Force barrel.

If you are looking for an alternative that won't increase your recoil or decrease your magazine size, you could swap this out for the Ranger barrel, which increases your bullet velocity by a good chunk instead with fewer downsides.

Field Agent Grip

The Field Agent Grip will reduce the vertical and horizontal recoil of the OTs 9 SMG, which I find to be useful in improving this gun usability range in mid-range conflicts. While this loadout is focused on close-range combat, in Warzone you also want your weapon to have some of that range versatility, so you aren't constantly at a disadvantage in fights. Additionally, the Field Agent Grip will help counteract some of the negative aspects of the Task Force Barrel.

Extended Magazines

With only 20 bullets in the magazine by default, you are definitely going to want these extended mags. This is especially true if you plan to run the Task Force Barrel, which will also reduce your starting magazine size. Even with extended magazines, this weapon still has less than 40 bullets, but that is definitely better than living life on the edge with only 20.

Serpent Wrap

Since this weapon doesn't require an optic to be effective, we have the luxury of adding a rear grip. The Serpent Wrap is a great grip to slot in here. It will slightly reduce your spring to fire time, but in exchange, it will improve your aim down sight time, which is a far more important metric, especially for up-close duels. Alternatively, you could try running something like the Raider barrel instead, but I personally think the ADS time boost is great on this gun.

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