Toilets To Titles: Episode 67 | 2021 Redraft Ranking Release with Joshua from FusionFFB.Com

This week, Justin is back for a Redraft Ranking Release with Coach after a long hiatus while he’s been grinding out team breakdowns over on the Youtube channel. Justin and Coach are joined by Mat of the T2T Down Under Dynasty podcast and the team’s newest writer, Alex. The gang brings on Joshua from FusionFFB.Com to discuss their combined 2021 Redraft Fantasy Football rankings.

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John(@CoachSchepps), Nate(@Nate_Dirt19), Justin(@JustinFF_), Ben(@LiveFromTheBen), Mat(@FF_DoorMat), Rich(@RgonzalezRM), Joe(@JoeJ_Clark), Mike(@DirtyJobs21) & @SteveSpacc

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