James Blunt struggling to speak after having coronavirus

James Blunt's speaking voice is "f*****" after he battled coronavirus.

The 'You're Beautiful' singer was struck down with the virus a few weeks ago and was still feeling the effects as he struggled to sing or speak during his set at London's Royal Albert Hall on Friday (23.07.21).

He told the audience: “The only thing in my diary for a year and a half was the Royal Albert Hall.

“And two weeks before it I went and got Covid.

“I did quite well, I gave it to two of my band members. And two of the crew.

“And they were double jabbed and they got over it really well.

“I was only single jabbed and I thought I was going to be fine but actually it got into my lungs and I don’t know if you can hear, but my speaking voice is f****."

And the 47-year-old star claimed the medication he was given had some unfortunate side effects.

According to The Sun newspaper's Bizarre column, he said: "Now I am on steroids and they have made my really small willy smaller. I mean, even smaller.

“I haven’t got a big guy anyway and when the doctor said, ‘Do you want to go on steroids?’, I was like, ‘F*** no!’.”

But despite his struggles, James is hoping he'll still be able to go on tour as planned.

And he also took a swipe at China, where the virus originated, amid speculation COVID-19 had escaped from a lab there before spreading across the world.

He said: “Covid has got me — my speaking voice is f***ed.

“The Chinese are clever buggers, aren’t they? But I can still sing. So they did that wrong, didn’t they?”

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