Tweet of the Week #142: Keep Your Pets Safe in Summer

As temperatures are rising this summer, let’s not forget about our furry friends. Like us, our beloved pets can suffer from heatstroke. On Twitter, many Japanese shared warnings about the well-being of their four-legged companions.

Unlike humans, dogs, cats, or rabbits cannot easily regulate their body temperature by sweating. Therefore, pet owners should be cautious about heatstroke. The most common cases happen when pets are left in cars, though with the heat Japan is experiencing, an uncooled room can turn deadly very quickly as well.

Here are a few key precautions to take if you have pets at home:

  • Ensure a shaded, well-ventilated space—you can even improve their napping conditions with a cooling mat.
  • Keep fresh water available nearby.
  • Walk your dog early in the morning or in the evening when the air is cooler. Carry water with you at all times.
  • Do not leave pets in your car, even for a few minutes. If you’re going to the clinic, carry them in a cool case.

Keep your companions happy this summer. Keep them cool!

Turn on the air conditioner


“It’s 28 degrees celsius in the room with the air conditioner on, but the thermometer in the garden finally reached 42 degrees. If you are a dog or cat owner, please bring them inside with the air conditioner! They’re wearing fur. They are hotter than people. They will die!”

Heatstroke is no joke




“Both dogs and cats can get heatstroke.
Even if you think it’s only 10 minutes, those 10 minutes can be life-threatening.
Please keep cats indoors. Keep dogs cool in the house.
Air conditioners make life more comfortable for owners, dogs and cats.”

How to express ‘even if’

Katte mo katte mo mitasa rena!

Let’s have a quick review of the verb conjugated in the te-form and combined with the particle も to express ‘even if.”

  • をんでも、られません: “Even if I take sleeping pills, I can’t sleep.”
  • どのようながあっても、いじめはにしません: “Even if you have reasons, I will never tolerate bullying.”
  • ってもってもたされない: “Even if I purchase a lot of stuff, I’m not happy.”
  • なんかってもはない: “Even if you go to college, what is the point?”
  • しても、えられない: Even if I study, but I can’t remember.”


温度計	ondokei	Thermometer
外飼い	sotogai	Keeping pet outside
飼い主	kainushi	Pet owner
毛皮	kegawa	Fur
明らかに	akirakani	Obviously
命	inochi	Life
危険	kiken	Danger
ある場合も	aru baai mo	There are times
飼育	shiiku	Keep (an animal)
室内	shitsunai	Inside
快適に過ごす	kaitekini sugosu	Be comfortable

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