NLRB Slammed For Recommending New Amazon Union Election

Business Leaders Slam National Labor Relations Board Leader’s Recommendation To Overturn Amazon Union Election Results

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NLRB considering overturning the will of workers who overwhelmingly rejected unionization

NLRB Recommends To Overturn Amazon Union Election Results

Washington, D.C. – The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW), composed of hundreds of organizations representing millions of businesses that employ tens of millions of workers nationwide in nearly every industry, released the following statement today in response to a hearing officer for the National Labor Relations Board recommending that the union election results for Amazon warehouse workers in Birmingham, Alabama, be overturned and that a new election should be scheduled.

The following statement is attributable to CDW Chair Kristen Swearingen:

“It’s disappointing that the NLRB is considering to side with Big Labor by setting aside the will of American workers. All workers during this election had months to listen to and weigh both sides and make a decision on their own of what was best for them and their families. Amazon even made it easier and more convenient to vote, but a massive disinformation campaign spread by unions about voting-by-mail, which the union requested, appears to have deceived members of the NLRB."

“Even though workers overwhelmingly rejected forming a union by a two-to-one margin, union bosses would get another chance to deceive, harass, pressure and intimidate workers in Birmingham to boost union ranks. These same union bosses are pushing the PRO Act, which would fundamentally change labor laws on a national scale and enable unions to fix elections to boost union membership at the expense of workers, small and local businesses, entrepreneurs and Main Street consumers."

“If the NLRB decides to overturn this election, it will be the first step towards taking away workers’ rights and choice."

“It appears the NLRB is already trying to enact the PRO Act by stacking the deck in favor of unions in what could become the norm as Big Labor attempts to organize workers across the country. If the NLRB overturns this democratic process, this will be a clear sign to show American workers what is at stake when their rights are stripped away and their democratic vote is tossed out.”

Click here for more information on the negative impacts of the PRO Act.

About The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace

The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) represents more than 600 major business organizations including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Small Business Association, National Restaurant Association, National Association of Home Builders, Retail Industry Leaders Association, National Grocers Association, International Franchise Association, National Association of Manufacturers, International Council of Shopping Centers and American Trucking Association.

CDW is a broad-based coalition of hundreds of organizations representing hundreds of thousands of employers and millions of employees in various industries across the country concerned with a long-standing effort by some in the labor movement to make radical changes to the National Labor Relations Act without regard to the severely negative impact they would have on employees, employers, and the economy. CDW was originally formed in 2005 in opposition to the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) – a bill similar to the PRO Act – that would have stripped employees of the right to secret ballots in union representation elections and allowed arbitrators to set contract terms regardless of the consequence to workers or businesses.

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