Queen Elizabeth launches dog biscuit range

Queen Elizabeth has launched a range of dog biscuits.

The 95-year-old monarch has approved a line of canine snacks, called Game Bones, made with meat from the grounds surrounding Sandringham House in Norfolk, England, and flavoured with royal venison.

The doggy biscuits, which cost £4.99, come in a paper bag with a royal seal and, although they do not contain any additives or preservatives, they are recommended for 'occasional use' and as a 'training aid' for pet pooches, according to The Sun newspaper.

The Queen has owned corgis and dorgis – a cross between a dachshund and a corgi – since she was 18 and was recently given a new pet pooch by her son Prince Andrew and her granddaughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

Insiders say that Her Majesty was thrilled with the new four-legged friend, especially following the sad death of her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in April, and felt it would be the "perfect" companion for her existing dog Muick.

A source said: "The Queen has had a rough time and she is absolutely delighted to have a new corgi."

Meanwhile, former royal chef Darren McGrady previously revealed that the Queen's corgis have their own special menu.

Darren – who worked at Buckingham Palace for 15 years – said: "I didn't expect to be cooking for the Queen's dogs when I started working at Buckingham Palace. I thought I was going to be cooking for kings, queens and presidents. I did eventually, but one of the first jobs I had was cooking for the corgis - the Royal Corgis - making fresh food every day. The corgis had their own menu.

"They sleep in like little wicker baskets in the corgi room and looked after by two footmen called Doggie 1 and Doggie 2, that's what they called them. The most important part of the meat was everything had to be cut into a fine dice ... to be sure there were no bones at all in the meat. Imagine if any of the dogs were to choke on the - I'd be in real trouble."

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