Trump’s Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows Says They Had A Meeting With ‘Cabinet Members’

Trump's New Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, Self-Quarantining After Exposure Person Exposed To Coronavirus At CPAC (Image: Getty)

Former President Donald Trump, who has yet announced whether he will run in 2024, has been holding meetings with his “Cabinet members,” according to his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows.

Speaking with the Newsmax host Steve Cortes on Friday, Meadows revealed that he and the former president had a few meetings with “some of our Cabinet members” at Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey.

“We met with several of our Cabinet members tonight. We actually had a follow-up … meeting with some of our Cabinet members. And as we were looking at that, we were looking at what does come next,” Meadows told the Newsmax host. “I’m not authorized to speak on behalf of the president, but I can tell you this, Steve: We wouldn’t be meeting tonight if we weren’t making plans to move forward in a real way, with President Trump at the head of that ticket,” he added.

Meadows, however, did not reveal the names in the meetings, but the fact that he said “cabinet members” implies that the former president is preparing another election.

During the recent interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity, Trump said that he has already decided whether he will run for the 2024 election or not. Trump didn’t officially announce his 2024 run during this interview, but he did give strong hints that he would throughout the conversation with Hannity.

“You’re not going to answer, but I have to ask. Where are you in the process, or — let me ask you this, without giving the answer, have you made up your mind?” Hannity asked.

“Yes,” Trump responded.

“It’s not that I want to,” the former president added. “The country needs it. We have to take care of this country. I don’t want to, is this fun? Fighting constantly? Fighting always? I mean, the country, what we have done is so important.”



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