Tom Parker's brain tumour shrinks

Tom Parker's brain tumour has shrunk "slightly".

The 33-year-old singer - who was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour last summer - is "grateful" that the treatment he's undergoing is starting to work as his recent scan showed that the malignant mass has decreased in size since his last MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Taking to his Instagram account, he said: " goes. The last couple of days have been filled with dread and worry but I’m pleased to announce that the results of yesterday’s scan (lovely birthday present), are stable with a slight reduction in the tumour if anything.

"I can’t tell you how grateful I am to receive this news. We left it a little longer between scans this time just to give time for the medication to work etc but overall a great day. Thanks to all our healthcare team. You are truly wonderful.

"And thank you all you lovely people out there sending love snd support. It really is so appreciated. Time to celebrate (sic)"

Despite his worrying prognosis when he was first diagnosed with the brain tumour, the former Wanted star is determined to beat the disease.

He said previously: "It’s been an emotional few months for me and my family. But I’m determined to both fight the disease and the terrible situation of the chronically low level of research that goes towards finding a cure and treatment for glioblastoma."

Tom and his wife Kelsey - who have daughter Aurelia, two, and nine-month-old son Bodhi together - are now looking towards the future and are hoping to have at least two more children later down the line.

Kelsey said: "We are looking to the future now. We are planning for more children – I’ve always wanted a big family and I think we’ll end up with four. But there’s only a 16-month age gap between our two children and it’s definitely been a lot, even without taking into account our circumstances, so I won’t be having children that close in age again – doing that once was enough."

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