Best LED Grow Lights for Cannabis

LED grow lights are pretty new in the cannabis growing business. However, they have become fairly popular over the last few years. With the LED lights, cannabis plants can produce significant yields while consuming reasonable amounts of electricity and staying cool. Weed plants need a lot of light but don’t thrive in excessive heat. They need a minimum of 12 hours of light a day, making LED grow lights beneficial. With these lights, you can provide the weed plant with the right intensity and amount of light while avoiding too much heat.

Over the past few years, the LED grow models have improved considerably. They offer better product results than the ones available a few years ago. Full-spectrum light for healthier growth and enhanced budding and specialized lenses for pointing light directly to the plant characterize modern LED lights. These lights can produce impressive results!

Main Types of LED Grow Lights for Weed

There are 3 major types of LED lights for growing cannabis. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on the situation.

*Chip on Board (COB) LED Lights*

COB LED lights are new models that are quickly gaining popularity in the cannabis industry. These LED lights use huge Chip on Board LED bulbs and green light to boost the production of indoor marijuana plants. Each COB is incredibly intense and bright due to the several LED chips in a small area. The COBs have strong lenses for directing light down into the plant. As a result, they have a deeper penetration into the plant canopy. Instead of having several small diodes, a COB LED grow light model has only a few huge COBs.

*Spread LED Light Style*

In this model, several smaller LED lights are spread over a vast area. Rack and “Spider style,” and Quantum Boards are among the examples of this model of LED grow lights. The Quantum Board lights typically have pretty low wattages diodes. The diodes are spread over a massive area on a board. They are becoming popular in growing cannabis because of the limited electricity consumption.

Conversely, the “spider style” LED grow lights have individual diodes spread out and typically placed on the smaller side. Unlike Quantum boards, they are not set on a solid board but on a panel with “arms” like a spider. Although they are highly pricey, they produce better yields than any other type.

*Traditional Panel*

The conventional panel LED lights have between small and medium wattage diodes. The lamps tend to be denser than in the other types. They have a mix of features from both the COB and Quantum Board style LEDs. Newer styles are appearing, containing a mixture of little and big LEDs. Traditional pane LEDs are the most popular lights because they amalgamate the best features from the other types.

LED lights win in reducing the amount of heat that gets to your crops. You can easily regulate the amount of light that your weed plants receive for enhanced yields. LED grow lights are a worthy investment.