Julie Bowen helps rescue fainting hiker

Julie Bowen helped rescue a woman who fainted while out hiking.

The 'Modern Family' actress and her sister Annie Luetkemeyer - who is a doctor - came to the aid of Minnie John, who was making a "long desired visit" to Arches National Park in Utah, but began struggling with the walk.

In a series of Facebook posts, Minnie told how her "sheer determination or absurdity" meant she felt the "need" to complete the "treacherous climb", even as a "woman in my late 50s and one who has an artificial knee, who has never walked much since my surgery."

After she "made it to the top", the New Jersey woman felt she couldn't "go any further" as she felt "light-headed" so she encouraged her husband and son to continue without her.

She wrote: "I sat there holding my head in [my] hands and waited... [My group was] called back by some people running up to them. All I remember is sitting there with my head in my hands secure on the rock."

Minnie was left confused and wondering if she "might be watching TV" when she suddenly heard "someone with a familiar voice" asking her questions.

The stranger and her fellow hiker assured Minnie she would be fine while cleaning her wounds and giving her electrolytes, prompting the woman to sit up and open her eyes, where she came face-to-face with Julie and Annie.

Minnie wrote: "As my eyes started to focus more, she smiled and took her hair tie off and shook her hair for me to figure out. Her sister the doctor asked me to guess and I told her I just hit my head, I can't remember. She said smiling 'Modern Family' and I said of course! I told her she was so beautiful. She introduced me to her sister Annie, the doctor, and she is of course Julie Bowen!"

Minnie praised the sisters and others who came to her aid after a guide had spotted her fall forward.

She wrote: "They had everything to clean up my wounds and set me up.

"As I was hearing them giving directions to many people to keep going up, everything was quick mode. They used my phone in my purse to call [my husband]. It was a 20 minute trek to them. Some ran ahead to find them. Such wonderful men and women, selflessly giving of themselves! God bless them!"

The diabetic woman - who explained she fainted because her blood sugar was low and she was dehydrated - praised God for sending the women to help her.

She continued: "The guide who was with the two famous sisters saw me fall forward. At the right time with no delay He sent the doctor and helpers. He restored me with sound mind and a joyous meeting with my helpers.

"They were so caring and loving to stop like the Good Samaritan does in the Bible! They were God sent! It was no accident they were there. They gave me electrolytes, medicines and pretzels with peanut butter."

After returning to her hotel, Minnie was taken to hospital, where she received five stitches and was told she had fractured her nose, but insisted she is "just fine" now.

She added: "I praise God for all the doctors and nurses we have in our lives! They truly are superheroes! And those celebrities are awesome human beings too! Love you Julie and Annie and now I have become famous for one minute for my antics!"

Julie has yet to comment on the revelation.

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