Britney Spears' ex-bodyguard 'fears' star is seeking to end conservatorship too soon

Britney Spears’ former bodyguard worries about what might happen if the star is freed from her conservatorship.

Fernando Flores – who was hired to work for the 'Toxic' hitmaker in 2010 but quit eight months later – has said he feels “very protective” of the star despite no longer working for her.

Britney has been under conservatorship since 2008, and while the former police officer acknowledged the conservatorship does have its “faults”, he thinks giving Britney her freedoms back will be damaging to her mental health.

Speaking about the #FreeBritney movement – which seeks to end the 39-year-old singer’s conservatorship – he told The Sunday Mirror newspaper: “I feel very protective of Britney because I remember how vulnerable she was when I was looking after her. Her state of mind meant she was always at risk of being taken advantage of, and I fear that’s happening again.

“She was a complete mess before the conservatorship was introduced and, for all its faults, it did get her life back under control. I totally get the #FreeBritney movement but what is the alternative, really? If the conservatorship is removed we risk going back to 2008 again.

“Britney has grown older and hopefully she has matured, but I don’t believe that she can be left to fend for herself. She still has serious issues that aren’t just going to disappear.”

Britney is currently in court attempting to get her father, Jamie Spears, removed as her co-conservator.

Jamie oversees his daughter’s financial matters while Jodi Montgomery is in charge of Britney’s personal affairs, but the ‘Slumber Party’ singer wants to have a certified public accountant (CPA) take over Jamie’s role.

Earlier this year, Britney said her conservatorship had left her "traumatised" and "depressed", as she called for her father to be jailed.

She said: "They have me going to therapy three times a week and to a psychiatrist.

"I truly believe this conservatorship is abusive. I don’t feel like I can live a full life. In the meantime, I want this therapist to come to my home, I’m not willing to go to Westlake ... They set me up by sending me to the most exposed places. I need your help.

"My dad and anyone involved in this conservatorship, including my management … they should be in jail."

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